Movie structure:
The film is accompanied by simultaneous Czech and English subtitles rendered in original calligraphy. The performing artists come from the Czech Republic, Canada, USA, Great Britain, and Switzerland. Their individual contributions to the film are framed in a series of separate manifestos:
LITERARY MANIFESTO: MANIFESTO TEXT Jan Škrdlík, Jiří Netík, Patrik Jetelina, Denisa Zlámalová, Caroline Jane Ormston ↭ POEM: DUENDE (TRAILER) Lucien Zell ↭ POEM (3 language versions): LA REALIDAD • REALITA • REALITY Jan Škrdlík ↭ A PERSONAL STORY AS A WORK OF ART Jana Rosie Dvořáková ↭↭↭ MUSICAL MANIFESTO: CELLO RENDITION Jan Škrdlík • all parts; Jan Hanousek • part 2 ↭ PIANO RENDITION Petra Besa • part 3 ↭ PERCUSSION Antonín Stříž • parts 1 and 5 ↭ KEYBOARD Jiří Netík • parts 1 and 5 ↭ VOCALS Alena Kubešová • “7.83” (musical improvisation) ↭ “REALITY ABOVE US” Jiří Netík, Antonín Stříž, Jan Škrdlík • parts 1 and 5 (musical improvisation) ↭ “MATÉRIE” Jan Hanousek • part 2 ↭ “DANCE #6” Hayden Wayne • part 3 ↭ “ALEPH” Martin Jakubíček • part 4 ↭ “7.83” Alena Kubešová, Jan Škrdlík • Trailer and Subtitles (musical improvisation) ↭↭↭ VISUAL MANIFESTO: ALL PAINTINGS Jana Rosie Dvořáková ↭ CALLIGRAPHY (SHAPES) Jan Škrdlík ↭ CALLIGRAPHY (COLORS) Jana Rosie Dvořáková ↭↭↭ DRAMATIC MANIFESTO: CREATIVE NON-ACTING Jana Rosie Dvořáková, Jan Škrdlík ↭ SCREENPLAY Jan Škrdlík, Jana Rosie Dvořáková ↭ CREATIVE EDITING AND POST-PRODUCTION Thomas McComb ↭ CREATIVE CAMERA Lukáš Vídeňský ↭ CREATIVE DRONE FLIGHT Ladislav Tvarůžek ↭ POEM RECITATION “DUENDE” (TRAILER) Lucien Zell ↭ POEM RECITATION “LA REALIDAD” Jan Škrdlík ↭ POEM RECITATION “REALITA” Jan Hanousek ↭ POEM RECITATION “REALITY” Richard Wilson
Someone once said that art is a “vessel for God’s messages”. Another important individual said: “Know the truth and the truth shall set you free!” Are we then to understand art as some sort of “true message cast into the world to find and set us free”? I believe that to be exactly the case. That truth is sometimes shrouded in a beautiful mysterious veil – or so it was in romanticizing art styles. However, at other times, it can be clear and raw, like a fresh wind just before the arrival of spring – such is realism. I feel that the time for exactly this type of realism has come once again. I feel that all of us, us, the confused generation of the 21st century, need to unravel the intricate connections of space once again both within and without us, even though it is bound to always include the element of unrevealed secret (logically so), the manifestation of Reality, which, as such, contains both poles: the revealed as well as the concealed. Additionally, the fact that our understanding will always remain partial in no way diminishes the need for us to better navigate the complexities of the modern world into which we have all been thrown. Anyone who does not yearn (at least a little) for such deeper insight must have gotten stuck in the previous millennium. Note, however, that a mere improvement in or deepening of one’s orientation in the material aspects of eality is no longer enough. Indeed, any such endeavor must be intrinsically based on two other, equally important tasks that involve focusing on the exploration of one’s inner self and becoming more attuned to the manifestation of higher principles, which have always been around, like it or not. This last, third sphere of knowledge is called spirituality. Each of the three domains come under the umbrella of new suprarealism – the style of a new time. It proclaims that these three perspectives, these three “realities” need to be perceived simultaneously, contemplated; sought after. No one can exist without the others as all three combine to form a single indivisible Oneness we have come to know as Suprareality. It’s All within All!
But how to actually go about exploring the reality of the physical world, the reality of our inner self and the reality of higher spiritual principles? For this, we have been given three tools: Reason, Feeling and Intuition. That is also why Immanuel Kant once wrote: “Sapere aude!” – “Dare to know!” – that is the appeal of Reason. Hence the two other invitations added by new suprarealism to complement the above: “Sentire aude!” – “Dare to feel!” – and "Usu intuitione aude!” – “Dare to intuit!”
Accordingly, new suprarealism is an appeal to bring true courage to life as well.
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The mission of art only to be a distraction
Is not enough Art should teach people to think, just embracing Is not enough Art should teach people to see, having eyes closed and just listening Is not enough Art should teach people to have an opinion, just embracing Is not enough Art needs a new form, new ideas, a rebirth; The sole repetition of what used to be Is not enough Though we should learn from what used to be, Just hearing and forgetting Is not enough Turn off your televisions And contemplate what is real Turn off your televisions T u r n o f f Y o u r t e l e v i s i o n s ! ! ! To see is not enough, we need insight Not only to hear, we need to listen Is reality not all around us? Is it not visible in things around Yet invisible in ourselves? And in arcane laws that rule everything? Reality is not only what can be seen, REALITY just IS and ART is a MESSAGE about it…
“7.83” (with the poem Duende)
Lyrics: The poem Duende (September 4, 2021) – Lucien Zell
Recitation: Lucien Zell
Music: “7.83” (with the poem Duende) – Musical improvisation by Jan Škrdlík and Alena Kubešová
Performers: Jan Škrdlík – Cello, Alena Kubešová – Singing
Recitation recording: Studio Π-vox, Brno, Czech Republic, September 6, 2021
Music recording: Studio Π-vox, Brno, Czech Republic, July 19, 2021
“REALITY ABOVE US” (short version)
Lyrics: The poem “La Realidad” (Spanish Version) (December 2, 2020) – Jan Škrdlík
Recitation: Jan Škrdlík
Music: “Reality Above Us” – Musical improvisation by the Factory Brno ensemble
Performers: Jan Škrdlík – Cello, Antonín Stříž – Drums, Jiří Netík – Keyboard
Recording: The Studio of Contemporary Music of Antonín Stříž in “Stará Mosilana”, Brno, Czech Republic, December 2, 2020